Call for Papers

ICIEA-EU 2026 will provide a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Industrial Engineering and its applications.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

Special Session I: Machine Learning and Industrial Engineering with Applications

Special Session II: Recent Advances in Multi-robot Systems: Modeling, Optimization and Applications

Special Session III: The Hybrid Lean-Agile Design and Hybrid Lean-Agile Manufacturing Systems

Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Application

Advanced Design and Manufacturing (Methods)
Lean Manufacturing
3D Print 
Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
Manufacturing Process Optimization
Manufacturing System Control
Smart Production
Machining and Forging Technology
Additive Manufacturing and Process
Machine Learning for Manufacturing
Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing

Manufacturing Systems and Automation

Industry 4.0 and IoT
Production Planning and Control
Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
Workflow Technologies and Applications
Virtual Engineering and Digital Twin
Hybrid Products, Multidisciplinary Product Development
Industrial Robotic
Sensoring and Inference for Manufacturing
Automation and Discrete Event Systems
Applications for Smart Production Systems
Operational scheduling

Information Industry

Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis
Engineering Education and Training
Project Management
Supply Chain
Logistics Engineering
Industrial Internet of Things
Block chain for Manufacturing
Big Data and Analytics
Decision Analysis and Methods
Operations Research
Data Science

Industrial Production and Sustainability

Sustainable Industrial Engineering
Quality and Sustainability
Maintenance and Sustainability
Occupational Health and Safety and Sustainability
Sustainable and Lean Production
Development of the Energy Industry
Green Manufacturing
Energy Consumption and Environmental Protection Technology
Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Vehicle
New Energy Vehicle
Parts Scrapping and Recycling
Industrial Layout Optimization
Production Process Improvement
Industrial Environmental Governance
Industrial Equipment Innovation and Industrial Upgrading
Global Manufacturing
Work Space Design
Ergonomics and Its Applications
Product Lifecycle
